Preventing and managing stomach cancer

Preventing and managing stomach cancer

The first step to preventing stomach cancer is to eliminate the risk factors. If there are hereditary and genetic factors involved, getting screening tests done to detect cancer as early as possible is most helpful for timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Since the cause of stomach cancer is not fully ascertained, the risk factors need to be considered while deciding to undergo screening tests for stomach cancer. Quit smoking : Smoking is a major risk factor of stomach cancer and increases its risk by up to two times. Diet : Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is beneficial. Vitamins, essential minerals, and dietary fiber lower the risk of stomach cancer considerably. A Mediterranean diet is low on sugar, red meat, processed food, and saturated fats and high on fresh produce, nuts, and other healthy foods. Adopting this diet may be beneficial to people with a high risk of contracting stomach cancer. Severely limiting the intake of salty, spicy, and smoked food is important, and refrigerated food and food with preservatives should be avoided. Some studies have shown that green onions, mushrooms, garlic, and soya bean are linked to lowering the risk of stomach cancer. Exercise regularly : Having a regular exercise program helps in reducing the risk of stomach cancer.
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Things you need to know about Hodgkin’s Disease

Things you need to know about Hodgkin’s Disease

Hodgkin’s disease or Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a specific type of cancer that forms in the lymphatic systemic the body. The lymphocytes or white blood cells are an essential part of the infection and disease-fighting immune system that helps keeps the body healthy. Of the three principal types of lymphocytes, it is the B cells that produce antibodies to fight against bacteria, virus and other foreign materials that are affected by cancer. When tumors or lymphomas form in abnormal B cells, it is termed as Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The lymphatic system is present all over the body and so are lymphocytes. So technically, Hodgkin’s lymphoma can form anywhere in the body, but it is most often found in the chest, neck, underarms, or groin area. This cancer can spread to the bone marrow, the liver, lungs, spleen or even the skin. The spread of this type of cancer typically happens in a structured manner from one lymph node to the next. This is because the lymphatic system, apart from fighting disease, carries out certain important functions like transporting nutrients and hormones throughout the body and removing waste products from the tissues throughout the human body. But Hodgkin’s lymphoma is not common, it affects less than 0.2% of the population in the country.
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Causes and symptoms of leukemia

Causes and symptoms of leukemia

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood cells of the body. This type of cancer starts in the bone marrow and spreads to the lymphatic system. In this type of cancer, the white blood cells of the body increase in number and don’t function like they’re supposed to. So, it may lead to numerous problems in the body. This type of cancer occurs because of issues in the production of blood cells in the body. Leukemia can occur to anybody and at any age. Causes The main cause of this type of cancer is damage to the DNA of immature cells of the blood, primarily in the white blood cells. Due to this damage, the blood cells divide and grow constantly, and this will increase the number of blood cells enormously. Due to this, the healthy blood cells may get damaged, and these healthy blood cells are then replaced by new blood cells. These new blood cells are defective, and they do not die. They may start accumulating and occupying more space. In this way, this form of cancer spreads all over the body. Symptoms There are several symptoms of this type of cancer. Fatigue The most common symptom of leukemia is excessive tiredness.
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How does chemotherapy work

How does chemotherapy work

Unlike normal cells, cancer cells keep growing and dividing, not knowing when to stop, which results in cells to keep doubling and ending up forming a lump (tumor) that keeps growing in size. Eventually, nee gets a full tumor from the original cancer cell. Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy these cancer cells. These chemotherapy drugs keep cancer cells from dividing and growing. And as cancer cells usually grow faster than normal cells, chemotherapy drugs affect cancer cells better than normal cells. These drugs are pretty powerful, and they can cause some damage to healthy cells. Treatment Cancer treatment with such powerful drugs is called standard chemotherapy or traditional chemotherapy. There are other drugs that help with treating cancer. Several newer drugs are called targeted drugs, as they damage cancer cells by blocking the proteins that are found in the cancer cells. But, as these treatments work particularly on the cancer cells, their effect on the normal cells is usually damaging. Goals Depending on the type of cancer, the goal of chemotherapy varies. Sometimes, the goal is to get rid of cancer completely and make sure it doesn’t come back. If that’s not possible, then chemotherapy helps you delay or slow down cancer growth.
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A brief guide to liver cancer

A brief guide to liver cancer

Liver cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the inner layer of the liver and the liver tissues. Liver cancer is also known as hepatic cancer and sometimes as primary hepatic cancer. When cancer starts elsewhere in the body and metastasizes to the liver, it is called secondary liver cancer. Primary liver cancers are quite rare. Secondary liver cancer accounts for more than 90 percent of all tumors in the liver. One of the main functions of the liver is to filter out toxins from the blood. So, if cancerous cells are spreading through the body, it is sure to be deposited in the liver, and in this way, cancer spreads to the liver. Types of liver cancer Several types of liver cancer occur in the body, depending on the cells in which it begins. Hepatocellular carcinoma Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas Hemangiosarcomas and angiosarcomas Hepatoblastoma Benign liver tumors Risk factors  The most common risk factor for liver cancer is an infection of the liver with both hepatitis B and C virus. These viral infections are chronic. Chronic inflammation for many years may lead to changes in the liver cells, and these changes may lead to cancer. The two viruses (Hepatitis B and C) can spread when a person comes into contact with body fluids of people infected with these viruses.
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An overview of soft tissue sarcoma

An overview of soft tissue sarcoma

Cancer begins when cells start growing without control. There are several types of soft tissue tumors, and not every type is cancerous. Several benign tumors, noncancerous tumors, are found in soft tissues. However, there are a few soft tissue tumors that show signs of both benign and cancerous tumors. They are called intermediate soft tissue tumors. Cancer that begins within the tissues that connect, support and surround alternative body structures is soft tissue sarcoma, which is a rare type of cancer. This includes muscle, blood vessels, fat, nerves, tendons and also the lining of your joints. With more than 50 subtypes of soft tissue diseases, some probably have an effect on children, while others have an effect on adults. These tumors are troublesome to diagnose; as a result, they are mistaken for several alternative issues. Soft tissue sarcoma occurs anywhere in your body; however, the foremost common type occurs within the arms and legs, and within the abdomen. Surgical removal is the most common treatment, though radiation and chemotherapy could also be suggested depending on the scale, type, location, and aggressiveness of the tumor. Causes of soft tissue sarcoma In most cases, there are no clear reasons to relate to the causes of soft tissue sarcoma.
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All you need to know about brain tumor

All you need to know about brain tumor

Abnormal growth of cells inside the brain or skull is commonly known as Brain Tumor. The tumors can either grow from the brain tissue or cancer from elsewhere in the body can spread to the brain. The brain tumor is otherwise known as an intracranial tumor. It is an abnormal mass of tissue in which cells grow and multiply uncontrollably. There are two main groups of brain tumors termed primary and metastatic. The primary brain tumors include the tissues of the brain or the brain’s immediate surroundings. This is classified as glial or non-glial. Metastatic brain tumor refers to cancer which starts somewhere else in the body but spreads to the brain. What causes brain tumors? The causes of brain tumors are not certain. As per some researchers, brain tumors can grow, when certain genes on the chromosomes of a cell are no longer functioning properly. People at risk for brain tumors include those who have: Cancerous cells in the body Exposure to pesticides Exposure to industrial solvents, and chemicals Inherited diseases, such as neurofibromatosis What are the symptoms? The tumors may usually affect the brain by destroying the normal tissue. It can compress normal tissues by increasing intracranial pressure. The signs and symptoms differ depending on the tumor’s type, size, and location which includes:
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Stages of cervical cancer and the associated signs

Stages of cervical cancer and the associated signs

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the entrance of the uterus. The cervix which is the narrow part of the lower uterus gets affected by this. This lower part is often referred to as the neck of the womb. In the early stages of this disease, it may not even show any symptom. In the later stages, the most common signs and symptoms include abnormal vaginal bleeding, increased vaginal discharge, bleeding after menopause, pain during sex, and pelvic pain. So, take a look at the stages of this disease here and what signs you should watch out for. Stages Knowing the stage of cervical cancer is very important as it helps in deciding the kind of treatment needed. The process of staging tells us about how far cancer has developed and whether it has reached or affected any nearby organ or sometimes may be distant organs too. There is basically a 4-stage system used to describe this. Stage 0 In this stage, precancerous cells are present. Stage 1 In this stage, the cancer cells grow and get deeper into tissues of the cervix and possibly into the uterus and also to the nearby lymph nodes. Stage 2 In this stage of cervical cancer, the cancerous cell spreads beyond the cervix and also the uterus but not as far as the walls of the pelvis or lower part of the vagina.
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Effective ways to treat ovarian cancer

Effective ways to treat ovarian cancer

  Cancer that originates in the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer. In many cases, it gets overlooked until the cancer has spread to other organs in the pelvis. At this stage, ovarian cancer can be difficult to treat but if diagnosed in the early stages, ovarian cancer can be easily treated in many different ways. The different ways in which ovarian cancer can be treated are: Surgery Surgery is usually the first step of treatment for ovarian cancer. This procedure is aimed at removing the tumor to check if it is cancerous or not. This type of investigative surgery is also known as a biopsy. A biopsy helps doctors determine what stage the cancer is at and how far it has spread. A biopsy may be followed by more surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. The extent of surgery required depends on how far your cancer has spread to the other organs in the pelvic cavity. In some cases, it may also have affected the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. If so, these may need to be removed as well. Other tissue that are typically removed during surgery includes the fatty tissue covering the intestines, also known as the omentum, and the lymph nodes.
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Causes and types of lung cancer

Causes and types of lung cancer

When malignant cells start developing in the lungs, it is termed as lung cancer It is a significant cause of death in both the genders in the United States and claims more lives than prostate, colon, breast, and ovarian cancers combined. The initial symptoms include persisting cough, chest pain, hoarseness in voice, shortness of breath, loss of weight, and bone pain. Causes of lung cancer Smoking tobacco According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 90 percent of the cases of lung cancer occur due to incessant cigarette smoking. Studies reveal that tobacco contains about 7000 carcinogens including nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide. Smoking initiates a change in the lung tissue which may ultimately lead to cancer. Genetics If any immediate blood relative, including parents, siblings, grandparents, uncle or aunts has suffered from lung cancer, then chances of contracting the disease increase manifold. Even if the individual does not smoke, he or she remains susceptible to this disease. Age The American Cancer Society reveals that the chances of suffering from lung cancer increase with the age of patients. Every two out of three individuals diagnosed with lung cancer are above 65 years of age. History of lung diseases Occurrences of severe lung diseases in the past including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema also increase the risk of lung cancer.
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